How to Pass the CWV Assessment: Core Web Vitals for Small Businesses

How to Pass the CWV Assessment: Core Web Vitals for Small Businesses

Core web vitals refers to a set of factors that are considered important by Google for assessing the overall user experience of a webpage.

What is CWV Assessment

Core web vitals assessment checks the manner in which a respective webpage performs in terms of user experience? This assessment is made on the basis of real-world data which is also known as field data.

Significance of CWV Assessment for small businesses

There is no discounting the fact that the practice of doing online research by customers has become the order of the day. Almost 95 percent of people do online research like reading reviews before making a purchase. (1)
If a small business were to improve the way in which its web pages interact with potential customers, its credibility can be improved and an advantageous position can be attained over its competitors.

What are Core Web Vitals

Core web vitals are an important aspect of Google page insights. CWV assessment is based on three main metrics:

1. Largest Contentful Paint

This refers to the time taken by the page to exhibit its content, including a hero picture or header. An impressive score for the same is timed at 2.5 seconds.

2. First Input Delay

FID or interactivity refers to the time taken by the webpage to respond to certain actions taken by the user. For example; when a user clicks on a link, how much time the page is taking to open that link refers to First Input Delay.

3. Cumulative Layout Shift

This is also known as visual stability. It refers to the shifting of a page’s layout after loading to denote its stability.

Significance of Core Web Vitals

Core web vitals is very important to deliver the best SEO services. (2)

  • These vitals can play a significant role in improving your website’s visibility and making it rank higher.
  • They improve your website’s user experience.

Tips and Tricks to improve Core Web Vitals

For doing core web vitals SEO, you need to take care of the following pointers:

  • Optimise Images and Videos

    You can optimise the images on your web page and use image optimisation tools to ensure that the file size is reduced yet the quality isn’t hampered. Furthermore, the sizes and dimensions of the images should also be appropriate.

  • Improve Lazy Loading

    Lazy loading refers to the loading of the images on a web page when the user gets to the section instead of loading simultaneously as everything else on the respective page. This helps in improving the loading speed of the webpage.

  • Reliable Hosting

    If your website is a bit slow to load, it would be a good idea to update your web hosting. Instead of opting for shared hosting, you can switch to a dedicated server to optimise your website.

Tools for Measuring Core Web Vitals

When we talk about improving the efficacy of content marketing in SEO, it is important to check the current status of your website and web pages in order to further improve the core web vitals.

  • Google Search Console and Its role

    Google offers a free service known as Google search console that helps you in monitoring and maintains your website’s status in the Google search results. The main aim of this feature is to help you understand and consequently improve the manner in which Google sees and ranks your website.

  • PageSpeed Insights

    You can use Google PageSpeed Insights to check the core web vitals of your website. Enter the URL in the box and click the analyse button to check the overall performance of your website.

  • Lighthouse and Uses

    Lighthouse is an automated tool that you can use for any webpage in order to improve its quality. This is an open-source tool which can be used for public pages and for those pages as well that require authentication. Google Lighthouse provides useful insights that can play an instrumental role in helping you improve your website.


A good SEO consultant will ensure the core web vitals assessment ranks well on all three metrics. In addition to content marketing in SEO, you need to maximise the UX too. Furthermore, a site needs to meet a certain threshold in the core web vitals assessment to rank in Google’s top stories.


  1. How do I pass the Core Web Vitals assessment?

    In order to pass the core web vitals assessment, it is important that you pass off as ‘good’ in all three core vitals, namely; Largest Contentful Paint, First Input Delay and Cumulative Layout Shift.  

  2. Why is CWV important?

    Core Web Vitals entail important metrics to ensure that anybody who uses your website and surfs through your web pages has a seamless experience. 

  3. Is CWV a ranking factor?

    Core Web Vitals have a bearing on your website’s ranking but content relevance and quality stay the top criteria for deciding the Google rank.  

  4. Why does the Core Web Vitals assessment fail?

    One of the biggest reasons the Core Web Vitals Assessment failed is that the server takes a long time to deliver the content when the user visits that page.  

  5. What are the 3 pillars of Core Web Vitals?

    The three main pillars of core web vitals are Largest Contentful Paint, First Input Delay and Cumulative Layout Shift.
